Category: Featured

Patriots’ Path Forms New Venturing Association

As of January 11, 2022, multiple Venturing crews throughout Patriots’ Path Council united to provide for and support Venturers in a fully realized Venturing program, in accordance with Council Standards of Venturing Excellence. With this need, the Patriots Path Council

Community Service Newsletter Released

Check out the brand new community service newsletter! Additionally, help Patriots’ Path Council in its March community service project. It is collecting new boxes of fun designs and character Band-Aids for RWJ-New Brunswick hospitals. If your unit is interested in

Scout Shops Stocked for Pinewood Derbies

Pinewood Derby season is in full gear! The Kurland Family Scout Shop in Cedar Knolls and the Mountainside Scout Shop are still well stocked with cars, performance parts and creative decorations to make your cars fast and fun! The shops

New District Names, Leadership Announced

As many know, we have been working on a district realignment since middle of last year. As we continue down that path, we have some great news to announce – we have new names and leadership in the two new

2022 Silver Beaver Award Recipients Announced

The Patriots’ Path Council is pleased to announce its 2022 Silver Beaver Award recipients. The Silver Beaver Award is given for noteworthy service of exceptional character to youth by registered Scouters. It is the highest award a council can bestow

PPC Camps Have Something for Everyone

Summer. Who isn’t looking forward to summer? With camp season right around the corner, we are super stoked to share the exciting programs we have to offer for our young adventurers. Patriots’ Path Council has three camps to chose from:

Scouts Hit the Snow at Black River Klondike

The final “Black River District” Klondike was held this past Sunday, January 30, 2022, at Mt. Allamuchy Scout Reservation, Camp Somers. The event was rescheduled from the day before due to the anticipated snowstorm and statewide state of emergency declaration.

Beefsteak Dinner Raises $38,000 for Adventureships

The Patriots’ Path Council Beefsteak Dinner, established to help raise scholarships and camperships for the Thomas A. Pepe Adventureship Fund, has raised $38,000! The dinner welcomed Tom’s wife, Donna, and their two Eagle Scout sons, Jonathon and Christopher. The beefsteak

2022 Woapalanne Lodge Officers Elected

The new class of Woapalanne Lodge officers serving for the 2021-2022 term was elected last week at the January lodge executive committee meeting. Let’s meet the chief. Connor Neuhaus, pictured, is an Eagle Scout, assistant Scoutmaster, Venturer and Vigil Honor

A Message from Our Scout Shop

Click below to hear a message from Patriots’ Path Council’s Kurland Family Scout Shop in Cedar Knolls. Remember to shop local, as all sales from our Scout shops stay local.