Simple Fix for Restoring Access to Record Advancement

A note from Mike Wellech, council registrar:

I’m still getting a lot of emails and phone calls about why a volunteer has lost his or her access to record advancement.

It’s a simple fix, but it can only be assigned by a member of your Key 3 (charter organization rep, committee chair, unit leader). This position expires every year and has to be reassigned after the charter is posted by the council.

A Key 3 member can follows the steps below:

  1. Log into
  2. Click “MENU”
  3. Click your unit
  4. Click “Organization Manager”
  5. Click “Position Manager”
  6. Select the “Functional Roles” tab at the top
  7. Click “ADD” under “Unit Advancement Chair”
  8. Select a name from the list. You will only see the names of the registered adult members of your unit.

It may take a day or two for this person to see his or her permissions change in ScoutBook.

If you wish to make it so your advancement chairperson can approve advancements, then click on the unit roster at the bottom of the page, click on “Connections Manager.” Click his or her name on the left and make sure he or she has at least “Edit Advancements” rights selected.